Outdoor vs. Indoor Graphics: The Best Choice for Your Visual Branding

The choice of indoor or outdoor signage is a significant one, and it greatly depends on your business’ wants, needs, and budget. If you're looking for some guidance on this central element to your brand, you're in the right place. At Great Big Graphics, we work with businesses and organizations of all sizes from Vermont to greater New England. With years of professional experience and thousands of projects under our belt, we've got a few pointers to offer. Here are the basics you'll need to know when looking into indoor and outdoor business graphics, and how to find the right signage for your business.

Outdoor Signs
When to Invest in Outdoor Signs
Outdoor signs are perfect for businesses that need increased visibility. Outdoor signs make it easy for customers to spot your business from afar, which means they'll be more likely to stop by and remember you. Outdoor signs are affordable for small businesses and organizations with limited budgets, and when done by a professional, they are fully customizable and built to last. Investing in outdoor business signs is an investment in your business, future customers, and brand as a whole.
Calendared vs. Cast Vinyl
There are two main options for vinyl signage, calendared vinyl or cast vinyl. Cast film is more versatile and designed for long-term use while calendered film is stiffer, a bit more difficult to work with, and less expensive. Cast film typically comes with a glossy surface that works best for roadside signage because it’s not only longer-lasting, but it’s more easily cleaned and will usually look good as new after a hard rain. Calendared vinyl is available in a variety of finishes, including matte, lustre, and gloss, and is best used for either interior or temporary exterior signage. Yard signs, political signs, and fundraising signs are great opportunities to save money by working with calendared vinyl.

Indoor Signs
When to Invest in Indoor Signs
Indoor signs are perfect for businesses that are seeking a more permanent indoor presence and want to enhance their overall branding and client experience. Interior graphics truly make a business shine, and they build trust with customers and clients as you present your business in the best light possible. Investing in indoor signage is an excellent option if your business has settled into one location, and wants to take your branding to the next level.
Printable Wallpaper and Graphics
When it comes to indoor signage, our favorite type is custom printable wallpaper. It's an affordable and versatile option for businesses, and a simple way to stand out from competitors and give your clients a unique and memorable experience. Printing out custom graphics on removable wallpaper makes short-term changes easy, which can save you money in the long run. To give an example of one of our favorite projects, we did a large mural up at Keurig in Essex, Vermont that lists every employee and how many years they’ve worked there. It’s called the “tenure wall” and we reprint it each year with the updated names and numbers. Pretty sweet.
Another more practical reason to invest in indoor signage is wayfinding. Wayfinding signage is a necessity for indoor spaces that have multiple floors, or that are larger than they appear from the outside. The goal of wayfinding signs is to help customers navigate your space quickly and easily so they can find what they're looking for efficiently. Plus, when done by a professional, you can add a personal touch to these signs and customize them to fit the persona of your brand. It's a win-win!
Work With The Pros
If you're looking for the best signage and branding services in New England, we are your one-stop shop. For outdoor signs, we've got you covered with our calendared vinyl or cast vinyl options. If you're looking to make an impact indoors, our custom wallpapers and wayfinding signage can help enhance your space in a way that will become synonymous with your brand identity. If you're looking for more information, have got questions, or just want to say hello - get in touch today. We can't wait to work with you on your next project!